Saturday, June 14, 2008

Have you ever:
  1. Felt that you were made for better things than 'Ctrl+Tab'bing between excel sheets and powerpoints and trying to compile never-ending reports which you always knew would end up in trash, unopened?
  2. Felt you deserved a long, fully-paid vacation in an exotic location for putting up with your boss/es, colleagues, peers and DR's mood swings and manifestations of nicotine deprivation? (theirs, not yours, silly)
  3. Felt you were the most under-utilized, under-rated and over-worked employee of the year?
  4. Felt like giving it all up and sitting at home - reading chick-lit, watching back-to-back episodes of SATC, Friends and others?
  5. Felt like you'd have been better off in the Jane Austen-ish, Victorian era where all you had to do was dress up (or down) for meals and everything in between? (Actually, even I'm not sure how I'd like a life of just that - plus I cannot sew a button back on, forget anything else: case in point those abandoned trousers at the back of my wardrobe; so maybe, I'm not all that Victorian either)


Anuradha Sridhar said...

Is this you Shireen??

ShiSul said...

yup. Is this Anuradha Sridhar or Anuradha Doraswami or any other Anuradha I may/may not know?

Anuradha Sridhar said...

Anuradha Sridhar :) Didn't know Ms. Sultana was a fan of Austen!