Thursday, June 26, 2008

You're down with a fever. Great. Sit home and read, watch stupid sitcoms and soaps for endless hours. You're down with chicken pox. Not bad. Hog the attention and the food. Just tolerate the itchiness but you could read and sleep and sleep and read and eat and read. Whatever. You just had your tonsils removed. Splendid. Down tubs and more of ice-cream and you could still ask for more.
But conjunctivitis! Nopety nope. She's the most torturous of them all.
You cannot read. You cannot watch television. You cannot random surf the net for stupid, aimless blogs such as this one. You cannot meet people. Worst of all, you cannot shop. You cannot go to work (not that one would want to... but I'm trying to prove a point here!) You can only listen to so much music. So what is it that you can do?
What you can do is keep cleaning gooey, -icky stuff off your eyes. Pour gallons of drops into them. Feel the bitter taste of those drops travelling down your throat (yes, that happens with the eyes too, like I just found out). Try to sleep and end up with a headache worse than you had earlier. THAT's what you can do.
And if you happen to have viral conjunctivitis - the one that lasts longer, much longer, you have no choice but to 'let your body fight it out' (like the good ol' doc said). Now if urges-to-binge are the only things you're body has ever fought, you can't quite trust it to do a good job, can you?
So here I am. Waiting like a prisoner who know his term is coming to an end, but is not quite sure, when. (umm, well... if you know me you already know my penchant for drama, right?)
But like they say, one should look at others' sorrows when in the dumps and you'll start counting your blessings. So when I have friends who've had fancy-sounding but life-altering problems like - chalazion, Rubella, marriage!, I can only feel better (of course, not discounting my sympathies for QQ and RK for going through some of the above) about my condition.
Joie de vivre!


Quirky Quill said...

conjunctivitis?? how come your mails made no mention of it?? are you okay now?

ShiSul said...

i'm fine now. thanks for asking. hmm.. realised now that I hadn't written about it. nothing much actually. about 10 days of work/work from home/rest and all that. wrote this in a fairly frustrated mood - which sort of defines me, lately!