- Will lose weight
- Will talk less
- Will read more
As useful as sushi in a storm. As vague as the sense of direction of an average Hyderabadi. As pointless as a lone cloud in a vast desert.
This year, however, I'm a changed woman with changed resolutions (look out for the halo the next time you meet me!). But of course, I'm not sharing them here. Then why this drone-of-a-post, you ask? Well - it is to record, as a reminder, that moment of reckoning. To warn myself, not to lose sight of those goals. To know what not to do.
Here's to a new year, a new beginning. Yay to 2009!
PS: I'm not doped or drunk. I do realize there's a whole week before the New Year begins. Its about the sentiment, you fool. Its about the realization. Om Shanti (I'm at peace).